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#include <string.h>#include <stdio.h>/*=====================================================================================    PID Function        The PID (比例、积分、微分) function is used in mainly    control applications. PIDCalc performs one iteration of the PID    algorithm.    While the PID function works, main is just a dummy program showing    a typical usage.========================================================================================*/typedef struct PID {        double  SetPoint;           //  设定目标 Desired Value        double  Proportion;         //  比例常数 Proportional Const        double  Integral;           //  积分常数 Integral Const        double  Derivative;         //  微分常数 Derivative Const        double  LastError;          //  Error[-1]        double  PrevError;          //  Error[-2]        double  SumError;           //  Sums of Errors} PID;/*======================================================================================   PID计算部分========================================================================================*/double PIDCalc( PID *pp, double NextPoint ){    double  dError,            Error;        Error = pp->SetPoint -  NextPoint;          // 偏差        pp->SumError += Error;                      // 积分        dError = pp->LastError - pp->PrevError;     // 当前微分        pp->PrevError = pp->LastError;        pp->LastError = Error;        return (pp->Proportion * Error              // 比例项            +   pp->Integral * pp->SumError         // 积分项            +   pp->Derivative * dError             // 微分项        );}/*========================================================================================   Initialize PID Structure=========================================================================================*/void PIDInit (PID *pp){    memset ( pp,0,sizeof(PID));}/*========================================================================================    Main Program========================================================================================*/double sensor (void)                    //  Dummy Sensor Function{    return 100.0;}void actuator(double rDelta)            //  Dummy Actuator Function{}void main(void){    PID         sPID;                   //  PID Control Structure    double      rOut;                   //  PID Response (Output)    double      rIn;                    //  PID Feedback (Input)    PIDInit ( &sPID );                  //  Initialize Structure    sPID.Proportion = 0.5;              //  Set PID Coefficients    sPID.Integral   = 0.5;    sPID.Derivative = 0.0;    sPID.SetPoint   = 100.0;            //  Set PID Setpoint    for (;;) {                          //  Mock Up of PID Processing        rIn = sensor ();                //  Read Input        rOut = PIDCalc ( &sPID,rIn );   //  Perform PID Interation        actuator ( rOut );              //  Effect Needed Changes    }}

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