
导读:目前正在解读《编写字符设备驱动框架的步骤(简要)》的相关信息,《编写字符设备驱动框架的步骤(简要)》是由用户自行发布的知识型内容!下面请观看由(电工技术网 - www.9ddd.net)用户发布《编写字符设备驱动框架的步骤(简要)》的详细说明。
简介: Step 1: 申请设备号(主要是申请主设备号) 有两种方式: ⑴静态申请 通过下面这个函数实现:

Step 1:申请设备号(主要是申请主设备号)




intregister_chrdev_region(dev_t from, unsigned count, const char *name);

/* register_chrdev_region() - register a range of device numbers

* @from:the first in the desired range of device numbers; must include

* the major number.

* @count: the number of consecutive device numbers required

* @name: the name of the device or driver.


* Return value is zero on success, a negative error code on failure.*/




intalloc_chrdev_region(dev_t *dev, unsigned baseminor, unsigned count, const char *name)

/* alloc_chrdev_region() - register a range of char device numbers

* @dev: output parameter for first assigned number

* @baseminor: first of the requested range of minor numbers

* @count: the number of minor numbers required

* @name: the name of the associated device or driver


* Allocates a range of char device numbers.The major number will be

* chosen dynamically, and returned (along with the first minor number)

* in @dev.Returns zero or a negative error code.*/


Step 2 :注册字符设备

在linux 内核中用struct cdev表示一个字符设备。


intcdev_add(struct cdev *p, dev_t dev, unsigned count);


* cdev_add() - add a char device to the system

* @p: the cdev structure for the device

* @dev: the first device number for which this device is responsible

* @count: the number of consecutive minor numbers corresponding to this

* device


* cdev_add() adds the device represented by @p to the system, making it

* live immediately.A negative error code is returned on failure.


voidcdev_del(struct cdev *p);

不过,在注册一个字符设备之前,要调用下面这个函数来初始化struct cdev结构体:

voidcdev_init(struct cdev *cdev, const struct file_operations *fops)


* cdev_init() - initialize a cdev structure

* @cdev: the structure to initialize

* @fops: the file_operations for this device


* Initializes @cdev, remembering @fops, making it ready to add to the

* system with cdev_add().


另外,struct cdev结构体变量可以声明为一个指针,内核提供了一个函数来申请:

struct cdev *cdev_alloc(void);

step 3:创建设备节点



mknod /dev/yourname c major minor

其中“yourname”可以是任意符合unix下路径名的名字,不一定要是你代码里定义的驱动或设备的名字;c 表示创建字符设备节点,major是你成功申请的主设备号,minor是次设备号,这个可以是任意的(在次设备号范围内)


struct class*class_create(owner, name);

struct device *device_create(struct class *class, struct device *parent,

dev_t devt, void *drvdata, const char *fmt, ...)

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