
导读:目前正在解读《BLE协议栈之RTC时钟》的相关信息,《BLE协议栈之RTC时钟》是由用户自行发布的知识型内容!下面请观看由(电工技术网 -用户发布《BLE协议栈之RTC时钟》的详细说明。


The32-kHzXOSC is designed to operate at32.768kHzand provide a stable clock signal for systems requiring time accuracy.The 32-kHz RCOS runs at32.753kHzwhen calibrated.



void osalTimeUpdate( void )  {    uint16 tmp;      //为暂存变量,用于临时存放时间值     uint16 ticks625us;  //用于存放timer2的溢出次数,每次溢出为625us,也就是说ticks625us代表了625us的个数    uint16 elapsedMSec = 0;//也是用来存放时间值的,只是它存放的值是上一次操作所保留下来的值,它最终存放的是时间的ms值        // Get the free-running count of 625us timer ticks    tmp = ll_McuPrecisionCount();//这个函数就是用来读取timer2溢出次数的,溢出次数存放在T2MOVF2([23:16]),T2MOVF2([15:8]), T2MOVF0([7:0]), 一共有24bit      if ( tmp != previousLLTimerTick )//判断时间是否有变化(正常情况下,随着程序的运行,tmp 这个值一直增大(16-bit))    {      // Calculate the elapsed ticks of the free-running timer.      ticks625us = tmp - previousLLTimerTick;//当前的时间值减去上一次的值,也就是代码再一次运行到这里所消耗的时间(注意单位为625us)        // Store the LL Timer tick count for the next time through this function.      previousLLTimerTick = tmp;//将当前值存储起来,为程序下一次运行到这里作准备    /*   下面红色部分的代码,都只是实现了一个功能,就是将ticks625us个625us 转换成 elapsedMSec 个ms(ms的整数部分)和remUsTicks 个us(ms的小数部分),“ *5 / 8” 等价于 “ *625 / 1000”(分子分母同时扩大40倍),同理“ *5 % 8” 等价于 “*625 % 1000”  至于MAXCALCTICKS ,程序中有一下两段注释,可以帮助我们理解    // (MAXCALCTICKS * 5) + (max remainder) must be <= (uint16 max),   // so: (13105 * 5) + 7 <= 65535   #define MAXCALCTICKS  ((uint16)(13105))      */          /* It is necessary to loop to convert the usecs to msecs in increments so as      * not to overflow the 16-bit variables.      */      while ( ticks625us > MAXCALCTICKS )//这个while是对溢出的操作      {        ticks625us -= MAXCALCTICKS;        elapsedMSec += MAXCALCTICKS * 5 / 8;        remUsTicks += MAXCALCTICKS * 5 % 8;      }        // update converted number with remaining ticks from loop and the      // accumulated remainder from loop      tmp = (ticks625us * 5) + remUsTicks;        // Convert the 625 us ticks into milliseconds and a remainder      elapsedMSec += tmp / 8;      remUsTicks = tmp % 8;        // Update OSAL Clock and Timers      if ( elapsedMSec )//判断时间是否到了1ms,如果等于或者超过1ms(elapsedMSec  >= 1),则需要轮询任务列表      {        osalClockUpdate( elapsedMSec );//更新osal操作系统的系统时间        osalTimerUpdate( elapsedMSec );//这个函数和任务的轮询调度有关,即和timeout有关      }    }  }  


/*********************************************************************  * @fn      osal_setClock  *  * @brief   Set the new time.  This will only set the seconds portion  *          of time and doesn't change the factional second counter.  *  * @param   newTime - number of seconds since 0 hrs, 0 minutes,  *                    0 seconds, on the 1st of January 2000 UTC  *  * @return  none  */  void osal_setClock( UTCTime newTime )  {    OSAL_timeSeconds = newTime;  }  


/*********************************************************************  * @fn      osal_getClock  *  * @brief   Gets the current time.  This will only return the seconds  *          portion of time and doesn't include the factional second  *          counter.  *  * @param   none  *  * @return  number of seconds since 0 hrs, 0 minutes, 0 seconds,  *          on the 1st of January 2000 UTC  */  UTCTime osal_getClock( void )  {    return ( OSAL_timeSeconds );  }  


/*********************************************************************  * @fn      osal_ConvertUTCTime  *  * @brief   Converts UTCTime to UTCTimeStruct  *  * @param   tm - pointer to breakdown struct  *  * @param   secTime - number of seconds since 0 hrs, 0 minutes,  *          0 seconds, on the 1st of January 2000 UTC  *  * @return  none  */  void osal_ConvertUTCTime( UTCTimeStruct *tm, UTCTime secTime )  {    // calculate the time less than a day - hours, minutes, seconds    {      uint32 day = secTime % DAY;      tm->seconds = day % 60UL;      tm->minutes = (day % 3600UL) / 60UL;      tm->hour = day / 3600UL;    }      // Fill in the calendar - day, month, year    {      uint16 numDays = secTime / DAY;      tm->year = BEGYEAR;      while ( numDays >= YearLength( tm->year ) )      {        numDays -= YearLength( tm->year );        tm->year++;      }        tm->month = 0;      while ( numDays >= monthLength( IsLeapYear( tm->year ), tm->month ) )      {        numDays -= monthLength( IsLeapYear( tm->year ), tm->month );        tm->month++;      }        tm->day = numDays;    }  }  


/*********************************************************************  * @fn      osal_ConvertUTCSecs  *  * @brief   Converts a UTCTimeStruct to UTCTime  *  * @param   tm - pointer to provided struct  *  * @return  number of seconds since 00:00:00 on 01/01/2000 (UTC)  */  UTCTime osal_ConvertUTCSecs( UTCTimeStruct *tm )  {    uint32 seconds;      /* Seconds for the partial day */    seconds = (((tm->hour * 60UL) + tm->minutes) * 60UL) + tm->seconds;      /* Account for previous complete days */    {      /* Start with complete days in current month */      uint16 days = tm->day;        /* Next, complete months in current year */      {        int8 month = tm->month;        while ( --month >= 0 )        {          days += monthLength( IsLeapYear( tm->year ), month );        }      }        /* Next, complete years before current year */      {        uint16 year = tm->year;        while ( --year >= BEGYEAR )        {          days += YearLength( year );        }      }        /* Add total seconds before partial day */      seconds += (days * DAY);    }      return ( seconds );  }  


 har tempbuf[10]={0};   UTCTimeStruct *Ti;      osalTimeUpdate();     osal_ConvertUTCTime(Ti,osal_getClock());    tempbuf[0]=(Ti->hour)/10+'0';   tempbuf[1]=(Ti->hour)%10+'0';   tempbuf[2]=(Ti->minutes)/10+'0';   tempbuf[3]=(Ti->minutes)%10+'0';   tempbuf[4]=(Ti->seconds)/10+'0';   tempbuf[5]=(Ti->seconds)%10+'0';   Uart0Send_String(tempbuf,10);// 将时分秒在串口打印  

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