DIY一个Nike Restock情景小夜灯

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简介:此项目通过使用Ethernet Shield及Twitter推送来控制一个情景灯。


此项目通过使用Ethernet Shield及Twitter推送来控制一个情景灯。

DIY一个Nike Restock情景小夜灯


DIY一个Nike Restock情景小夜灯



Arduino Uno R3(我买了一个SainSmart版本,以削减成本) Arduino Ethernet Shield(我在Radio Shack只花了10美金就搞定了) 4个Led 网线 电源适配器 焊锡


亚克力盒子(我在沃尔玛仓储区找到了一个预制的) 少量约1/2英尺厚的木头 橡胶垫脚 木染料 磨砂玻璃喷漆 泡沫塑料(用来放Arduino) 单乙烯基(做一个可在亚克力上喷漆的模具) 钉子 木胶


烙铁 电钻 射钉枪 热胶枪 模切绘图机(用于磨具,不必须有)


DIY一个Nike Restock情景小夜灯

受电子知识的限制,我尽量将一切简化。我把led灯直接焊接在了Ethernet Shield上。使用了12和13端口。而前后讲Ethernet Shield插入到Arduino对应引脚上。


DIY一个Nike Restock情景小夜灯

我构建了一个木头盒子,这样亚克力盒子就能放在里面了。并在一面打了一个洞,如此ethernet 线材及供电线材可以透过来。


DIY一个Nike Restock情景小夜灯




DIY一个Nike Restock情景小夜灯



DIY一个Nike Restock情景小夜灯

以下代码是用于Nike Restock 闹钟的代码。你需要更改代码中的ip地址及mac地址。

<p>/*<br>  Twitter Client with Strings This sketch connects to Twitter using an Ethernet shield. It parses the XML returned, and looks for this is a tweet You can use the Arduino Ethernet shield, or the Adafruit Ethernet shield,  either one will work, as long as it's got a Wiznet Ethernet module on board. This example uses the DHCP routines in the Ethernet library which is part of the  Arduino core from version 1.0 beta 1 This example uses the String library, which is part of the Arduino core from version 0019.   Circuit:  * Ethernet shield attached to pins 10, 11, 12, 13 created 21 May 2011 by Tom Igoe modified by Amanda Ghassaei June 2012 modified again by cdw181818 December 2014 This code is in the public domain. */#include #include </p><p>//variable to prevent overfeedingboolean nikeRestock = 1;</p><p>// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.// The IP address will be dependent on your local network:byte mac[] = {   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };IPAddress ip(xxx,xxx,xxx,xx; //<<< ENTER YOUR IP ADDRESS HERE</p><p>// initialize the library instance:EthernetClient client;</p><p>const int requestInterval = 60000;  // delay between requests = 1min</p><p>char serverName[] = "";  // twitter URL</p><p>boolean requested;                   // whether you've made a request since connectinglong lastAttemptTime = 0;            // last time you connected to the server, in milliseconds</p><p>String currentLine = "";            // string to hold the text from serverString tweet = "";                  // string to hold the tweetboolean readingTweet = false;       // if you're currently reading the tweet</p><p>void setup() {  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);  // reserve space for the strings:  currentLine.reserve(256);  tweet.reserve(150);</p><p>// initialize serial:  Serial.begin(9600);  // attempt a DHCP connection:  if (!Ethernet.begin(mac)) {    // if DHCP fails, start with a hard-coded address:    Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);  }  // connect to Twitter:  connectToServer();  testing();}</p><p>void loop(){  if (nikeRestock){    if (client.connected()) {      if (client.available()) {        // read incoming bytes:        char inChar =;</p><p>        // add incoming byte to end of line:        currentLine += inChar;         // if you get a newline, clear the line:        if (inChar == 'n') {          currentLine = "";        }         // if the current line ends with , it will        // be followed by the tweet:        if ( currentLine.endsWith("")) {          // tweet is beginning. Clear the tweet string:          readingTweet = true;           tweet = "";        }        // if you're currently reading the bytes of a tweet,        // add them to the tweet String:        if (readingTweet) {          if (inChar != '<') {            tweet += inChar;          }           else {            // if you got a "<" character,            // you've reached the end of the tweet:            readingTweet = false;            Serial.println(tweet);            if(tweet == ">restock"){             digitalWrite(12, HIGH);             digitalWrite(13, HIGH);             Serial.println("LED ON!");             delay(360000);//turn on for 1 hour             digitalWrite(12, LOW);             digitalWrite(13, LOW);             nikeRestock = 0;            }            if(tweet != ">restock"){             digitalWrite(12, LOW);             digitalWrite(13, LOW);             Serial.println("LED OFF!");            }            // close the connection to the server:            client.stop();           }        }      }       }    else if (millis() - lastAttemptTime > requestInterval) {      // if you're not connected, and two minutes have passed since      // your last connection, then attempt to connect again:      connectToServer();    }  }  else if (millis() - lastAttemptTime > 14400000){//if four hours has passed since last feeding    nikeRestock = 1;  }}</p><p>void testing(){  digitalWrite(12, HIGH);  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);  delay(1000);  digitalWrite(12, LOW);  digitalWrite(13, LOW);}</p><p>void connectToServer() {  // attempt to connect, and wait a millisecond:  Serial.println("connecting to server...");  if (client.connect(serverName, 80)) {    Serial.println("making HTTP request...");  // make HTTP GET request to twitter:    client.println("GET /1/statuses/user_timeline.xml?screen_name=nikestore&count=1 HTTP/1.1");    client.println("HOST:");    client.println();  }  // note the time of this connect attempt:  lastAttemptTime = millis();}</p>


DIY一个Nike Restock情景小夜灯



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